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Mayamatam मयमतम् - chapter-10C नगरविन्यासः Town Planning - Printable Version

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Mayamatam मयमतम् - chapter-10C नगरविन्यासः Town Planning - Manish Jain - 07-20-2021

Mayamatam मयमतम्
by bruno dagens, Authentic book on ancient vastu sastra

[ नगरविन्यासः ]

सर्वेषां विन्यासं संक्षेपाद् वक्ष्यते क्रमशः ॥ ५१ ॥ 
प्राक्प्रत्यग्गतमार्गा द्वादश दश वाऽष्ट षट्चतुर्युगलम् । तावदुदीचीनास्ते तत्रैवायुग्मसंख्या वा ॥ ५२ ॥ 
एकादशनवसप्तकपञ्चगुणा वैकमार्गा वा" । युग्मायुग्मपदेषु द्वयेकत्रिभिरंशकैरजांशाः स्युः ॥ ५३॥ 
नगरादीनामेवं मार्गाण्युदितानि सर्वेषाम् । दण्डवदेका वीथी तद्दण्डकमित्यभीष्टं स्यात् ॥ ५४ ।। 
उत्तरदिङ्मुखमेकं तन्मध्ये संप्रयुक्तं चेत् । कर्तरिदण्डकमुदितं प्राचीनौ कुट्टिमौ तर्हि ॥ ५५ ॥ 
तद् बाहुदण्डकं स्याद् दिक्षु चतुर्द्वारसंयुक्तम् । बहुकुट्टिमसंयुक्तं मध्ये" वीथ्या द्विपार्श्वे तु ॥ ५६ ॥ 
शेषं पूर्ववदिष्टं कुटिकामुखदण्डकं प्रोक्तम् । प्राचीनोदीचीनैमर्गैस्त्रिभिरेव संयुक्तम् ॥ ५७ ॥ 
तत् ¨कलकाबन्धदण्डकमिति तज्ज्ञैः समुद्दिष्टम् । प्राङ्मुखवीथ्यस्तित्रश्चोत्तरमार्गास्त्रयश्चैव ॥ ५८ ॥
एकैकान्तरितास्ते कुट्टिममार्गास्त्वनेकाश्च । वेदीभद्रकमुदितं नगरादीनामिदं शस्तम् ॥ ५९ ॥ 
स्वस्तिकमुदितं ग्रामे यथा तथा स्वस्तिकं  विद्यात् । प्रागुत्तरमुखमार्गाः षट्षडभीष्टास्तु तद्बाह्ये ॥ ६० ॥
प्रागिव मार्गोपितं वीथिपदं स्वस्तिकं चैव । प्राचीनोदीचीनाश्चत्वारश्चैव मार्गाः स्युः ॥ ६१ ॥

ब्रह्मावृतपथमेकं कुट्टिममार्गास्त्रयः प्राच्याम् । एतद् भद्रकमुदितं नाम्ना नगरादिविन्यासम् ॥ ६२ ॥
 प्रामुखमार्गाः  पञ्चैवोत्तरमार्गास्तथैव स्युः बहुकुट्टिमसंयुक्तं भद्रमुखं नाम वस्तु स्यात् ॥ ६३ ॥ 
प्राचीनास्तु षडेवैवोत्तरवक्त्रास्तथा मार्गाः । यद् बहुकुट्टिमयुक्तं तद्वस्तु च's भद्रकल्याणम् ॥ ६४ ॥
 पूर्वापरमुखमार्गाः सप्तैवोदङ्मुखाश्च तथा 9 शेषं प्रागिव सर्वं विन्यासं तन्महाभद्रम् ॥ ६५ ।। 
अष्टौ पूर्वमुखास्ते मार्गाश्चाष्टावुदग्वक्त्राः । द्वादशमार्गोपितं बह्वर्गलकुट्टिमैर्युक्तम् ॥ ६६ ॥ 
यत् तद् वस्तुसुभद्रं नाम्ना विन्यासमुद्दिष्टम् । नवनवमार्गाश्चैते प्राचीनाश्चाप्युदीचीनाः ।। ६७ ।। 
द्वारोपद्वारयुतं कुट्टिममार्गार्गलैर्युक्तम् । राजगृहोपेतं यन्नगरं नाम्ना जयाङ्गं स्यात् ॥ ६८ ॥ 
प्राचीना दश मार्गाश्चोत्तरमार्गास्तथैव स्युः । नृपमन्दिरसंयुक्तं ""युक्त्यानेकार्गलोपेतम् ॥ ६९ ॥
 बहुकुट्टिमसंयुक्तं विजयं नाम्ना वरैः प्रोक्तम् । प्राचीनास्त्वेकादश मार्गा रुद्रा उदीचीनाः ॥ ७० ॥
 ब्रह्मांशादपरांशो यदभीष्टं तत्र नृपवासम् । तन्मुखतोऽदभ्रमहाङ्गणकं स्यादिष्टभगे तु ॥ ७१ ॥
तत्रान्तःपुरवासं शेषं सर्वं  समुन्नेयम् । ''तत्प्रागुद्गतमार्गा'' सा कथिता राजवीथीति ॥ ७२ ।।
तस्या द्विपार्श्वयोः स्यात् सैश्वर्याणां तु  मालिकापङ्क्तिः। तत्पार्श्वयोर्निवासो वणिजां स्यात् तस्य दक्षिणतः ॥ ७३ ।। 
स्यात् तन्तुवायवासं ह्युत्तरतश्चक्रिणां वासम् । तत्तज्जात्यन्तरगृहमथ तत्सामीप्यतः''” कुर्यात् ॥ ७४ ॥
 शेषं प्रागिव सर्वं योग्यं तत् सर्वतोभद्रम् । एवं षोडश भेदा ह्युदिताश्चाद्यैर्मुनीन्द्रैस्तु ॥ ७५ ॥ 
मार्गच्छेदं नेष्टं पदमध्ये चत्वरं न स्यात्  ।  शेषं युक्त्यानुक्तं सम्यग् योज्यं नृपेच्छया तज्ज्ञैः ॥ ७६ ॥ 
क्षुद्राणामपि चैषां मध्यानां चापि सर्वेषाम् ।

Town planning

I now present the plans of all (towns) one after another.

Streets which go from east to west number twelve, ten, eight, six, four or two and the same numbers are suitable for those which go from north to south. In odd numbers there are eleven, nine, seven, five, three or one streets (in each direction). According to whether the diagram is in even or odd numbers, the number of squares for Aja is two, three or one (?),

Streets are now indicated for all towns and cities. When there is one single street which is straight this is a dandaka plan; if (this street), at its centre, crosses another coming from the north, this is a kartaridandaka plan. If there are two paved streets starting from the east, this is a babudandaka plan. If there are gates at the four cardinal points and a large number of paved streets on either side of the main street this is a kutikāmukhadandaka plan which is otherwise as above. When there are three streets towards the east and three towards the north the sages say this is a kalakabandhadandaka plan. If there are three streets towards the east separated from each other by several alleys this is a vedibhadra plan suitable for all types of town. It should be known that the svastika plan is the same as for village of that name;¹² it comprises however, at most, six streets going east and six going north and, as has been mentioned above, the layout of the principal roads is that of a svastika

When there are four streets going north, one around the place of Brahmä," and three paved streets towards the east it is a bhadraka plan which is suitable for all types of town.

0 When there are five streets going east and as many north as well as a large number of alleys this is a bhadramukha plan; when there are six streets going east and as many north as well as a large number of alleys this is a bhadrakalyana plan. When there are seven streets from east to west and as many proceeding from the north, the rest being as above, this is a mahabhadra plan. When there are eight streets going east, eight north, twelve other streets and a great number of cul-de-sacs and alleys this is said to be a vastusubbadra plan. If a town comprises nine streets going east and nine north as well as gates, posterns, alleys and cul-de-sacs and a royal palace it is called jayanga. A town which comprises ten streets proceeding from the east and as many from the north, which contains a royal palace and where there are numerous alleys arranged according to the specific circumstances, such a town is named vijaya by the sages.

5a (In the sarvatobbadra plan) there are eleven streets from the east and eleven from the north; the king's palace is to be found, as is convenient, to the west of the place of Brahmã;" in front of it is a huge empty yard; queen's dwelling is in the chosen place and all that remains is arranged as expedient. Streets which proceed (from the place of Brahma in the centre) towards the north and east are the royal streets, 45 on either side of these are rows of gallery-like buildings intended for the royal retinue; beyond them and on both sides is the quarter of the merchants and to the south of that the quarter of the weavers whilst that of the potters is to the north and, beside this, the quarters for each of the lower castes. The rest is to be as ordained above; this is the sarvatobbadra disposition.

Such are the sixteen varieties of town prescribed by the sages of old. A street should not be interrupted nor a crossroads established at the centre of a town plan. Anything which has not been laid down should be carried out by the sages in accordance with the wishes of the king.