Theater Viewing angle & distances

We cannot see an object which is farther from use than about 3500 times its size 
In general field of view has irregular conical shape , measuring about 30 degree up  , 45 degree down, 65 degree to each side. 

Maximum distance
Maximum distance for seeing people is 4000 feet
Maximum distance for discerning action is 450 feet
Maximum distance for recognizing a face is 80 feet 
Maximum distance for discerning facial expression is 40 feet 
Range of conversational distance is 3 feet to 10 feet 

Messages In This Thread
Theater Viewing angle & distances - by FDArchitects - 05-16-2018, 07:00 AM
RE: Theater Viewing angle & distances - by fdaforum - 08-18-2018, 10:56 AM

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