Society and Social Change

Features of Indian Society- Rural
Among the earliest human groups, gathering was the main source of food. Gradually man acquired the skill and knowledge in agriculture. With the development of agriculture, people began to lead a settled life and human communities became more stationary. The emergence of village signified that man has passed from nomadic mode of collective life to the settled one. India is a land of villages. A great majority of villages are small with only around five hundred population each. 

The major features of rural society are given below: 
1. Small size of village community, 
2. Intimate relations, 
3. Jajmani System, 
4. Isolation, 
5. Social homogeneity, 
6. Informal Social Control, 
7. Dominance of Joint Family, 
8. Status of Rural Women, 
9. Occupation, 
10. Role of neighborhood, 
11. Faith in religion, 
12. Self Sufficiency, 
13. Widespread caste system, 
14. Simplicity, 
15. Feelings, 
16. Fellow feelings, 
17. Conservatism, 
18. Observance of moral norms, 
19. Poverty, 
20. Illiteracy, 
21. Desire for Independence, 
22. Dominance of primary relations, 
23. Social Homogeneity, 
24. Occupations, 
25. Preservers of the Ancient culture of the society, 
26. Legal Self Government, 
27. Change in the Villages.

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Society and Social Change - by dipak.jain - 11-25-2018, 01:23 PM
RE: Society and Social Change - by SSA Jafri - 12-07-2018, 09:50 AM

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