Chapter-2 Urbanisation and urban planning in India

An Objective Review on Implementation of Master Plans in India
volume-1 Main report
Study by
STEM center for symbiosis of technology environment and management

Chapter-2  Urbanisation and urban planning in India

Urbanisation Scene in lndia
The phenomenon of urbanisation had its origin from the date of the historic Industrial Revolution in Europe. From then onwards, the location of industries coupled with the
consequent urbanisation process had been unprecedented. In India, the latest 1991 census revealed that the total population stood at 844.30 millions, of which 25 per
cent formed the urban content. There has been a four-fold increase in the total population during 1901-91 and durin the same period, the urban population had increased more than eight times. If this trend persisted, it would assume such a dimension that almost every third Indian would be living in urban areas by the turn of this century. This scale and rate of urbanisation in our country had been very fast when compared to the same in the industrialised countries......


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Chapter-2 Urbanisation and urban planning in India - by B. Bhaskara Rao - 12-11-2018, 10:54 AM

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