Preparation O Mud Mortar

Preparation O Mud Mortar

The soil for preparation of mud mortar should be processed so as to be free from gravel coarse sand ( particle size greater than 2 mm ) lime and kankar particles vegetable matter, etc.
Coarse grit, karkar, etc, if present should be removed by wet sieving.

The sieved clay should be allowed to dry and then blended with plastic clay or a nonplastic locally available material ( like rice husk, jute waste, wheat husk, etc ) as the case may be, so as to bring the mechanical composition within the limits Where wet sieving is not necessary, the soil shall be lightly broken up and wetted. The wet mass shall be tempered over under the feet, repeatedly turned over big spades and then thoroughly kneaded. The kneaded mass shall than be left for tempering for at least 24 hours with the soil being preferably covered with wet gunny bags.

Immediately before use in the masonry a small quantity of the prepared soil shall be mixed with a further quantity of water to obtain the desired consistency and workability. The total moisture content of the prepared mortar shall be in the range of 35 to 40 % by weight of soil.

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Preparation O Mud Mortar - by mihika mathur - 08-16-2014, 11:36 AM

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