

General properties: low melting point, softer, flexible. Typical uses: bottles, food wrappers, toys, …


Polyethylene (or polythene) : Flexible use in packaging, electrical insulation, milk and water bottles, packaging film

Polypropylene: Stiff and hard and coarser then the polyethylene of low density , use carpet fibers, automotive bumpers, microwave containers, prosthetics
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC): Rigid ,Tough and elastic to feel, use in electrical cables cover, credit cards, car instrument panels

Polystyrene: Soild , glass clear and sparkling , use in disposable spoons, forks, Styrofoam™

Acrylics (PMMA: polymethyl methacrylate): Glass clear , somewhat brittle sound when tapped , use in paints, fake fur, plexiglass

Polyamide (nylon): high density polythene but smoother to feel use in textiles and fabrics, gears, bushing and washers, bearings

PET (polyethylene terephthalate): use in bottles for acidic foods like juices, food trays

PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene): use in non-stick coating, Gore-Tex™ (raincoats), dental floss

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Thermoplastics - by Kavita Jain - 08-20-2014, 09:15 AM

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