Deconstructivism Architecture - Centre for Contemporary Art, Cincinnati

Centre for Contemporary Art, Cincinnati -Zaha Hadid

This whole idea of liberation from gravity is not because you are flying around in the air, but because you are freed from confining laws and conventions, and can make a fundamentally new kind of space,” Hadid explained in a 1992 interview.

Her free forms and slicing axes convey a sense of thrust like the sharp fins of a 1950s Cadillac. Her diagonals and dislocations compromise what Hadid futuristically calls “planetary architecture.”

[Image: hadid1.jpg]

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Deconstructivism Architecture - Centre for Contemporary Art, Cincinnati - by Pramod Gupta - 08-22-2014, 08:03 AM
RE: Deconstructivism Architecture - - by Prasoon Bansal - 08-22-2014, 08:06 AM

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