Additional Tips for cement selection during construction

Additional Tips during construction

If you have doubts about the quality of cement, the first step would be to consult the manufacturer. However, this simple test will also suffice. Make a paste of a cement with one-fourth the quantity of water and make cubes or blocks of 50x50x20 mm size. Leave aside the cubes/blocks for a day. Test them to see how easily they break. If the cement is of good quality, the blocks will not crumble if you try to crush it with your fingers.

Cement is known to react with water and, therefore, protection from moisture is of paramount importance. It would be best to store the cement bags in an enclosed godown. Ideally, the bags should also be placed on a platform at least 6 inches above floor level, leaving a gap away from the walls. Normally, each stack should not have more than 15 bags. A ‘first in first out’ process should be followed. Cement should always be used within 2–3 months of its manufacture.

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