Help needed regarding my dissertation

Hello everyone!
I am a 4th year student and I'm currently doing my undergrad dissertation on Redefining Architecture in Kathak movements. Any kind of literature that is relevant to the topic is welcome. Any type of case study relevant is invited too. All kinds of discussions and suggestions are also welcome. I really appreciate any and every help I can receive from anyone. Kindly contact me -

Warm regards,
Sakshi Srivastava

Dance and architecture are two disciplines of creativity that share a kinesthetic relationship in space. 
You can find relevant information on your topic in following links

BODY IN SPACE: The Sensual Experience of Architecture and Dance by: Emily Rai-Pi Huang

Kinesthetic Empathy Interaction – Exploring the Possibilities of Psychomotor Abilities in Interaction Design by Maiken Hillerup Fogtmann

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