Land use and Transport Planning MSE 2019-20 Question paper

Land use and Transport Planning 
Poornima University MSE 2019-20 
Question paper

(CO3) (Max. Marks-6)

Q.1 Explain major categories of variables used to measure the land use system transportation interactions...... 2

Q.2 Describe various component of land use-transport model and how these model solve transport problems in urban area...... 2

Q.3 Explain salient features of Density saturation gradient method and how this is used for analysis of existing land use structure and forecasting land use structure...... 2

(CO4) (Max. Marks-6)

Q.4 Elaborate various steps of travel demand model and how it determine effects of any project on the transportation and traffic system..... 2

Q.5 What is “Trip generation analysis” and explain various factors that influence trip production..... 2

Q.6 What do you mean by “Pedestrian flow rate”? Write different factors that affects pedestrian facilities demand in urban area....... 2

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Manish Jain Luhadia 
B.Arch (hons.), M.Plan
Tel: +91 141 6693948

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