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Strategic Retreat on Objectives - Learning from Failure in American Public Policy - Printable Version

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Strategic Retreat on Objectives - Learning from Failure in American Public Policy - Manish Jain - 03-31-2020

Strategic Retreat on Objectives - Learning from Failure in American Public Policy
The Art and Craft of Policy Analysis
Aaron Wildavsky

How does one group of preferences (say for governmental provision of medical care) succeed another (such as for fees for service by private doctors)?
Do people observe what is happening and adjust their preferences accordingly? Preferences, then, would be determined by individual cogitation.
Or do people relate to others, modifying their values and beliefs in these engagements? Preferences thus would be a product of social interaction.
If preferences result from thinking, our interest should turn to the individual mind; if preferences are molded by interaction, then it is social relations that deserve our attention.

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