Tips for preparing for NATA

Photography assignment to improve your perspective visualisation skills.

you are required to take a lot of pictures in ants eye view ( example, when you stand infornt of a tall building and looking up to see the top most floor window of the building) and birds eye view ( looking down at a place that is at the foot of the building, from a tall building) you can get creative by taking macro photographs - taking close shots /pictures of objects ( for example, how would a TV look if you look at it from one of its screen corner. ) this will enable you to visualise the extreme perspective conditions, and how the proportion of objects behave from different angles.

Take 5 different objects and try to get birds , ants and normal eye view snap shots

Can you please provide some sample questions for nata ??

50 Marks
1. You are a bird sitting on the top of a 4 storey building looking down at a traffic signal below, draw what you see, it is mid afternoon

2. Draw using a pencil only, the scene of a man sitting on an elephant in a large hall with one circular opening in the roof.

3. From a balcony of your fourth floor apartment you are looking at a small place of worship surrounded by a garden. Depict the scenario on a busy sunny day. Use an appropriate pencil as a medium.

4. Imagine that your size has been reduced significantly and you are standing in a pencil box that has three pencils, one sharpener, and one compass, one small piece of paper, one eraser and one fountain pen. Draw what you would see standing inside the pencil box with the lid of the box open.

5. Draw using a pencil only, the scene of a man sitting on an elephant in a large hall with one circular opening in the roof.

Please give some more Nata questions For practice??

some more Nata questions For practice

1. Five bricks, four circular wooden logs and six balls are given to you. Make an interesting three dimensional stable composition using these elements and show the effect of light and shadow on the composition.

2. draw rose plant in the size of a coconut tree and vice versa next to each other

3. design a stable composition using 6 candles 5 balls and 3 cubes.

4. imagine you are ant walking through a vegitable market. draw what you see.

5. sketch a giraffe,an elephant and a zebra amongst the crowd as it would seem if they fled from the local zoo and were walking the streets with human beings.

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